Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is Java Still Better than C#?

At Worlco, we only deal with candidates in the information technology area. Many times, candidates want to work with the best software and technology. There is no doubt times have changed, in many aspects. Years ago, Java was considered the best program to work with. Years later, opinions have changed. There is no doubt that Java is still used widely, but many agree that C# is now a major competitor in the market. Recently, I posted in a LinkedIn group called .Net People and asked them if Java is still greater than C#. 
I also posted this outdated article from 2002, that claims that C# would never catch up to Java: http://www.linkedin.com/news?viewArticle=&articleID=208676677&gid=40717&type=member&item=101412876&articleURL=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.cnet.com%2F2008-1082-817522.html&urlhash=FbIe&trk=group_most_popular-0-b-shrttl
 As .Net People, some were slightly insulted, but others took a more analytical approach. Here are some of the comments the people posted in the discussion:

-I don't think it is a better language by any means - what can be done in Java can be done in C# - but some people will pick their favorite and lambast the other. The popularity of open source will keep people flocking to Java as will the platform independence. 

-For me, the lack of a standard Java 'framework' is the biggest drawback. For many programming areas you have two or more competing libraries offered by different groups that perform similar tasks. Each library has its pros and cons (and bugs) and different developers have preferences and expertise in different libraries. This leads to a lot of time analyzing the suitability of a library for a project, which is not time well spent. At least with .Net/C# you have a more focused framework. 

-If you look through the statistics, you'll find out Java is still being before C#, but analysts predict future C#'s leading due to its simplicity of organization in comparison with Java 

-I think write off .NET at your peril - with WinRT and Metro Microsoft are putting themselves well back in the game at the platform level with a modern foundation to fuel their post-pc adventures.
C# front and centre but with HTML5 etc also first class citizens. Cannot see one platform dominating beyond niches such as iPAd in the consumer tablet space etc...  

As you can see, I think it is safe to say that C# is now a major competitor after years have gone by. Who knows what the future of the Information Technology industry will bring. 

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