Thursday, August 11, 2016

How To Nail Your Interview In 5 Simple Steps!

It’s about that time - time to get ready for a big job interview and we all know how intimidating that can be. We’ve highlighted 5 steps for the pre-interview process to make sure your interviewer becomes your next boss.

1. Prepare:
Practice, practice, practice. Yes, it’s repetitive but it’s very necessary. Reading over your past accomplishments so you can point them out during the interview, or twist them to apply to the question, allows you to not stumble up on your words. Make sure to research the company you are going to the interview for and be knowledgeable about current events with the company. Being comfortable (to an extent) and knowing how to react to crazy questions out of left field, is key to impressing the interviewer.

2.  Body Language:
Sitting up straight with hands folded or in your lap is for more than just good posture. This allows the interviewer to see that you are not nervous (even if you are) and it shows professionalism. If you are slouched over or leaning your arm against the chair like you do at home, a future boss will not take you serious. Nobody wants to see someone interviewing and fidgeting around like a little kid. Here are some body language tools to take into your next interview:
·         Sit up straight in the chair
·         Hands can be folded or in your lap (unless holding a resume)
·         Men: keep legs straight down against the chair  Women: keep legs straight down against the chair or legs folded
·         Don’t let your eyes wander! Be attentive

      3. Dress the part:
Clothing is very important when going to an interview. The best idea to prepare, is to look up the company and the employees! Find out the company “feel.” If it is a very casual, low key company, then you will be fine not getting out the tuxedo for the time being. You want to be on their level, while being the most professional you can be! Here are some tips for dressing the part:
·         Get that hair out of your face!
·         Women, minimal jewelry…but men, get out those watches.
·         Whip out the IRON!
·         Try it on the night before, nothing like waking up and realizing you have nothing to wear!

4. Bring Resume:
Having your resume handy shows you are well prepared. There is always a chance of the interviewer asking to see your resume to look through and ask questions during the interview. Even if they have already seen your resume at some point, it shows him/her that you are ready and willing to show off your resume. Pack multiple copies!!

      5. Questions:
Bringing questions to an interview is a smart decision. When the interviewer is done asking YOU all the questions and says “Do you have any questions for me?” say yes! This is your chance to ask them about the company, current events you’ve read about or maybe a question directed towards the interviewer. This question could be something personal or about their own experience at the company. It’s your chance to become the interviewer so take advantage! It also gives you a chance to learn more and see if this will be the right fit for you.

When working with Worlco Recruiters, we make sure you are prepared properly and confident about your interview. Worlco wants you to succeed and we have the tools to help! These are just a few tips when it comes to the interview; imagine what else we have up our sleeve!

Now go out there and NAIL your interview!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Technology: Beyond The Basics

When you think of technology do you always think of how it can benefit you? Technology is all around us and is ever evolving. From iPhones to PC’s and even the engine in your car, technology is needed as much as it’s wanted. We depend on our smart phones for alarms, we constantly check our emails for important messages, and we count on our car to start in the morning…but sometimes we are hesitant when it comes to actually admitting trusting the technology we use. We rely on technology throughout the day which means we should trust it- right? Here are two examples of when trusting technology can be beneficial in the grand scheme of things.
      Fitbit: More than just a fitness tracker

Earlier this year, back in April, school teacher Jeff Bravo of Camden, NJ was having irregular heartbeats one day while teaching. They continued and he wound up having a seizure and woke up in the hospital. The doctors needed to know the exact moment his heart rate became irregular. This knowledge would allow them to prevent blood clots or any more seizures. Luckily, Bravo was wearing his Fitbit. The device helped eliminate a lot of the unknowns including if this was a chronic condition or side effect from the seizure (Christie Lleto, 6ABC News).

             Blind spot detection: Driver safety

Blind spot detection on vehicles has become much more popular in the last few years. It is being implemented into newer cars to allow the driver to be notified when changing lanes if they can’t see the other car. When the driver begins to change a lane and can’t see the other person driving slightly behind them, in their blind spot, a loud ding! will go off. Sometimes driving for a long time can become tiring and changing lanes becomes a habit so the person can get home quicker. This can cause accidents if not paying attention.  That’s where blind spot detection comes to help. Finding technology to help drivers is imperative to create safer driving.

Now, after some pretty interesting examples of technology, do you trust it even more now? Technology is here to help and advance us, let’s embrace it!