Wednesday, September 10, 2014

4 Tips for Moving on From Your First Post-Grad Job

Bigger and BETTER Things
To the college graduation class of 2009 and other alums that graduated soon after, here's a hardy congratulations — you officially no longer fall under the "recent grad" category of employee. In fact, you have now joined the ranks of the “experienced” worker.
As the dog days of summer approach, you're not getting ready for another year of college, but for another level of advancement in your career. For most junior hires — particularly those that graduated during the recession — the first job straight out of school is rarely the "dream job" for which you're ultimately striving. If you're thinking ahead to what the future holds, now is the time to think — and act — differently than you did during your first job search after graduation.
Below are four helpful tips for moving on from your first post-grad opportunity, and onto bigger and better things.

You now have some experience –- act like it

Your first job may have come through your college career center or a career fair hosted by your university, via on-campus recruiting. You have now moved up in the world and understand that, while college may have been a good foundation, your work experience is additional experience to build upon. While (most of) you can't expect to become the chief executive of a Fortune 500 company two years after graduation, you can — and should — be confident enough to begin taking on some additional responsibilities in your career path. 

Think of your combined work experience and college degree as your "pedigree." One definition of pedigree is the origin and history of something, especially when it is good or impressive. Taking this definition to your career history, consider what it is about you, your education and (now) your work experience that not only adds up to, but also multiplies your ability to exceed expectations in your next job. A note of caution on pedigree: Having it isn't enough. Make sure you understand and can articulate why your pedigree makes you the best candidate for the role.Many companies are wary of hires straight out of school; you are not one of these employees anymore, so be sure that your work ethic, mentality and attitude reflects it.

For example, instead of simply indicating, “I started my career at X Company,” be more specific: “I started my career at X Company, where I learned how to ABC, which is why I will be able to accomplish XYZ at your firm.”

Check those social profiles

Your LinkedIn profile needs to be complete, and in addition to following your university and college-related groups, follow companies that align with your interests and goals. Posting things about your alma mater isn't a bad thing — but it shouldn't be all that a prospective employer sees when they visit your page. Join professional groups, and join some conversations.Re-check your social profiles and make sure they do not scream, "I am in college!"; instead, they should scream, "I am a young professional."

Reconnect with alumni

Your alumni network is still very valuable, so be sure to join the alumni groups in various social networks and in whatever area you land after graduation. LinkedIn offers a variety of alumni groups, as do a number of other social networks.
Don't confine your networking exclusively to virtual opportunities — your university may have an active alumni network in your city, and you can check for Meetups as well.

Attitude counts

The factors that led you to get your first job may still be strong assets for your next role. Are you good at interviewing? Do you have unique experience traveling abroad? Are you skilled at networking? These useful skills still lay the groundwork for your future success — but building upon the lessons you've learned from your first job and other professional experiences add layers to the foundation of your long-term path.As with your freshman year of college experience, your "sophomore year" (and/or second or third job after college) is leaps and bounds beyond your first year of professional experience. While you still may require seasoning in order to take over as the top of the food chain, you've already gotten the lay of the land, and should have developed a better feel for your interests and long-term goals. This knowledge should be conveyed to potential employers and recruiters with confidence (not to be confused with arrogance) about your abilities to adjust to a new job and new professional opportunity. A note about experience: You may not know you have experience in something until you are called upon to use it.

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