Monday, December 31, 2018

Worst Passwords of 2018

SplashData recently released their list of the worst passwords of 2018 based on lists of leaked passwords. Every year, millions of people put themselves at risk by selecting common words or keyboard tricks as their passwords. Although these are easy to remember, they also make it easy for hackers to break into your accounts and steal your identity.

Below are the top 25 worst passwords as taken from SplashData's list. If you use any of these passwords, do yourself a favor and change them before it's too late!

Rank 2018's Worst Passwords

  1. 123456 
  2. password 
  3. 123456789
  4. 12345678 
  5. 12345 
  6. 111111 
  7. 1234567
  8. sunshine 
  9. qwerty 
  10. iloveyou 
  11. princess 
  12. admin 
  13. welcome 
  14. 666666 
  15. abc123 
  16. football 
  17. 123123 
  18. monkey 
  19. 654321 
  20. !@#$%^&* 
  21. charlie 
  22. aa123456 
  23. donald 
  24. password1 
  25. qwerty123