Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Are YOU a Multitasker?

Why no one should multitask — and how I finally stopped

Usually, at any given time, I have about 10 to 20 tabs open on Chrome. I'm also juggling several tasks at once: answering emails as they come in, updating my organization's social media channels, writing an article, browsing the news — you get the picture.
I used to think this method of tackling everything at once made me more efficient, but I've started to notice that it actually takes longer to finish anything. I'll write a couple lines of a piece for The Muse, jump over Twitter and churn out a tweet, think of a message I need to send and finally jump back to my Word doc — only to have completely lost my train of thought.
This is called "the myth of multitasking," and I'm not the first to realize that it harms our work. In fact, research shows that multitasking lowers productivity by up to 40% and increases errors and stress.
Why, then, is multitasking still a thing? And, more importantly, how can multitaskers like me stop once and for all?

It feels good

Just like eating an entire carton of ice cream in one sitting (guilty) can give you a temporary boost, it turns out there's a positive emotional response associated with multitasking.
A study from the Ohio State University found those who multitask feel better — not because they got more done (their performance was actually impaired) but because they perceived they were getting more done. The subjects, explains study author Zheng Wang, "seem to be misperceiving the positive feelings they get from multitasking. They are not being more productive — they just feel more emotionally satisfied from their work."
So by recognizing that my multitasking is holding me back, I've already made some progress.My next step (and yours)? To eradicate it. When I sat down to think about it, I pinpointed three key reasons I multitask: The nature of internet browsing making it easy to flip-flop between web pages, my lack of organization and my propensity to get bored when I spend a long time on one task.
Here's how I tackled them, one by one.

One tab

Remember all of those open tabs I mentioned? Well, I'm not alone. According to a Mozilla Firefox study, most people have around five to 10 tabs open at one time.
I often leave websites open if I know I'll have to go back and reference them while I'm working. However, that's no excuse for having Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook up — especially because I've gotten into the habit of instantly checking them whenever I see a notification pop up in their tab.
To force myself to focus, I downloaded OneTab a Chrome extension that converts all of your open tabs into a hyperlinked list.

It's amazing how even just the visual effect of reducing my browser to one website improves my concentration, like the virtual version of cleaning my desk. Plus, it's much harder to do three things at once when I'm only looking at one.

Make a list

One of the reasons I skip from project to project throughout the day is because I often remember something I have to do midway through something else. Suddenly, I feel compelled to complete this new task — either because it's more urgent, or I don't want to forget it again, or simply because what I'm currently working on isn't very entertaining.
However, I've found I can solve all of these problems by making a better to-do list.
I'm far from the first professional (or Muser) to champion the power of a task list, so this is not revolutionary advice.
However, if like me, your to-do list is scattered across various platforms — a physical planner, an app like Evernote, a desk calendar, Google Calendar, a notepad, an extension like Any.Do, and so on — you may want to consider concentrating them into a single source.
That's what I did. I decided to exclusively use my planner — since I can use it for scheduling both dates and assignments — and refused to write reminders anywhere else.
Similar to OneTab, this instantly made me feel more organized. It also guaranteed I never suddenly realized I was forgetting a deadline or project, so I could work on one thing in peace.

Chunk it out

Another reason I multitask is because I crave variety. While the "addictive nature" of multi-tasking hasn't been well-studied, one researcher has likened it to skydiving or playing video games, activities in which we "get a buzz from novelty and variety."

Fighting against my impulses reminded me of the Pomodoro Technique, a work method that has you work in set increments, then take periodic breaks. For example, you complete three cycles of working for 25 minutes and then rest for five. It's designed to fight procrastination, but I wondered if assigning myself to work solely on one project for a set amount of time could have the same effect on my tendency to multitask.
It definitely did. For longer projects, I found my momentum around the 20-minute mark, whereas before I had been jumping to something different every five or 10 minutes. And with the shorter tasks, after a couple of days I didn't even need a timer — I could just work until they were done.
When I began this article, I was a chronic multitasker. However, as I write these last sentences, I'm proud to report that not only do I have just one tab open, but this is the sole thing I've been working on for the past 20 minutes. I may still have an obsessive need to check my email — but I'll save that problem for next week.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How Long Should Someone Stay at a Job?

How Long Should Someone Stay at a Job?

Answer by Quora user Michael O. Church, programmer and engineer.

It depends on how much you're learning and what the job is doing for your career.
In general, the numbers you want to remember are 8, 18, 48 and 72.

Future employers may perceive staying at a job for under eight months as a negative mark on your resume, unless you can point to an objective reason for your short stay (such as a large corporate action). This time period suggests that you didn't pass your six-month review or the first performance cycle. You may want to omit the job and move any accomplishments to your freelance section if you stayed for a shorter time period.
One exception to this rule is if you're affected by a news-making layoff in the first year, or ever. An unannounced small layoff (under 5% of your division) will probably look performance-related, and you should probably omit it, but when you're affected by a known layoff (such as a plant closing), there's no shame in it. With, say, a seven-month job that ended due to a large-scale, non-performance layoff, you are better off to list it on your resume.

18 months is the socially accepted minimum for staying at a job. It suggests that you survived at least one review cycle — reviews are typically annual, and employees aren't generally reviewed until they've been at the company for six months; that's where the 18-month derivation comes from — and that you achieved something in order to be retained for that long.

You can go down to nine months if you have a really good explanation, like a corporate action (merger, upper management change) that affected the nature of your work, or a family-related reason. If you come in under 18 months for some reason, it helps if you can establish that you did pass at least one performance review. (A bonus, or a round of layoffs that you survived, would suffice.)
If you had one job where you were (possibly unintentionally) bait-and-switched and you left at eight months, that's understandable. If you have five of these jobs, it looks like you're the problem. Similarly, if you leave every time the nature of the work changes, HR cynics will likely be skeptical.
Ideally, you should try to make a job span, at the minimum, 15 months spanning three calendar years (e.g. October 2014 — January 2016) or 18 months spanning two. All else being equal, two years is better than 18 months, and three years is better than two, and four is better than three. The advantage gained each month isn't enough to merit passing up obviously superior opportunities, but it does mean that you're best off to avoid movements that don't have an obvious benefit.
Four years (48 months) will get you "full credit" for working at a company, unless something makes it clear that you were an under-performer or stagnating. If you have an increasing scope of accomplishments, and preferably at least one title change, you're in good shape. If you haven't been promoted and your projects aren't getting better, you're still okay at this point — but you have approximately two years in which you can make your next move.

Six years (72 months) is the point at which it starts to hurt you if you're not getting promoted or receiving better projects. Four years with an on-boarding year and then a flat trend or lateral moves is fine; four years means you did your job, gave the company a thorough chance, didn't piss off too many people and moved on. Six or more years without an obvious record of promotion may suggest that you're unambitious and, while not necessarily expendable, thoroughly mediocre. If you keep getting promoted, however, there's no upper limit on how long you can stay at a job

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Black Friday Gadget Deals!

Looking for BLACK FRIDAY Deals?!

Having trouble waiting for Black Friday to get your hands on some new gadgets? Not to worry. There are already some cool electronics up for (relatively) cheap prices online.
We've put together some of our favorites — from the very cheap to the more high-end — to help you buy something for your gadget-inclined friends this season, or just treat yourself.

1. Dell OptiPlex 3020 Mini Tower (and optional monitor)

unnamed (2)


Was: $827.14
Now: $499
If you've been meaning to upgrade your desktop, now might be the time. Dell's offering up an early Black Friday deal with this computer tower, marked down $328 from market value. The computer has an Intel Core i3 processor and 500GB hard drive. As a bonus, Dell will throw in a 22-inch monitor for an extra $129.

2. Samsung 55-inch HU6950 Series Smart TV



Was: $2,399
Now: $1,200

Now for something a bit more fancy to use with one of the latest streaming media devices — a Samsung TV that comes with a not-too-shabby $1,199 discount.

3. Dell 22 Dual Monitor Bundle



Was: $589.97
Now: $369.99
If you need a little more space for your new computer's display, Dell also has a holiday deal for two 21.5-inch monitors for $220 cheaper than normal.

4. Seagate 2TB backup hard drive



Was: $199.99
Now: $79.99
Now's a good time to back up your computer with this fairly cheap Seagate external hard drive, which comes with a 60% discount. The deal ends in two days, so act quickly.

5. Sony Extra Bass Bluetooth Headset

sony headphones


Was: $199.99
Now: $99
This deal's available now from Sony: bass-heavy headphones with Bluetooth capabilities with a $100 discount.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

4 Changes to Refresh Your Resume!

4 Changes to Refresh Your Resume!

As a job seeker, it's easy to see hiring managers as big, bad obstacles that need to be overcome. They're the gatekeepers, after all. But this kind of thinking actually leads to weaker job applications.
Think about it this way: Hiring managers read a ton of resumes — to the point at which their eyes cross. More importantly, hiring managers are just people. With this in mind, the only thing you really need to do to stand out is to have the one resume that actually lets them breathe a sigh of relief during this painful process. Here are four ways you can do just that.

1. Make the first thing on your resume immediately relevant

There’s nothing worse for a hiring manager than having to dig through a resume to find what, exactly, an applicant’s relevant experience entails. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be for the person who will be reading your resume, and make sure the first thing on your resume is something you know he or she wants.
Are you applying to a sales position? Titling the first section of your resume “Sales Experience” might be a good way to start. Throwing your hat in for a position that requires specific training or certifications? Make that section number one. Go ahead. Make that hiring manager’s day, and actually start your resume with something that makes sense for the position.

2. Don’t slap your reader in the face with text

So, you’ve managed to fit your resume all on one page with some efficient formatting and size eight font. Well, let me stop you right there. No hiring manager is going to see that resume and think, “Well, it’s still technically one page, so I better give it my full attention.” He or she will either read it while developing an impression that you’re already a burdensome job candidate, or he or she won’t even bother with the eye strain and just toss it.
Be kind to your resume reviewer. Leave plenty of white space on that page, and use a reasonable size font — even if it means you have to cut some details. No big blocks of text. Favor bullets that don’t exceed two lines of text over paragraphs when describing your experience. And, of course, think about what you can do to make your resume easier to skim overall. (These 12 little tricks will point you in the right direction.)

3. Cut the resume speak and get to the point

Does your resume have phrases like “utilized innovative social media techniques” to describe how you posted to the company’s Twitter account every once in awhile? If so, you might be guilty of resume speak. (For extreme — and extremely hilarious — examples of this, the Resume Speak Tumblr is worth a browse.) Not only can hiring managers usually see right through this, but worse, resume speak often obscures what your real experience actually is.
There is no way your resume can make a strong case for your skills and experiences if the language you use is imprecise, fluffy or hard to comprehend. Be concise and specific when describing your past experience (in the example above, perhaps, “Posted weekly Twitter updates and grew followers by 200%”). The hiring manager will thank you—and maybe even call you.

4. Just be thoughtful

I can’t stress this point enough. The person who will (eventually) be reading your resume is a human being. If you’re thoughtful, it won’t go unnoticed.
What does that mean? To start, save your resume as your first and last name plus “resume,” make your job titles more descriptive for easier scanning (for example, “Viral Marketing Intern” instead of just “Intern”), and actually send a cover letter that’s tailored to the position.
Beyond that, put yourselves in the shoes of the hiring manager and consider what would make his or her job easier when it comes to evaluating job candidates. No need for gimmicks, inflated descriptions or corporate jargon. Try to get your experiences across as precisely and succinctly as possible, and emphasize the parts that are the most relevant by pulling them out into their own section and placing that section at the top of your resume.
Yes, your resume might go through an applicant tracking system before it ever gets to a human being, but if you’re a good fit, it will eventually get in front of a hiring manager. When that happens, it’ll be these little things that you do that make the difference between being just another job candidate and one who actually makes a hiring manager smile.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Struggling With Giving Feedback?...

Giving constructive feedback is an essential management tool. Hopefully, your employees know this — and when you critique them, understand that it’s because you care enough to want them to do their best.
Unfortunately though, not everyone has perfected the art of taking constructive criticism in stride. Read on for the employees who take it the worst, and how to best reach them.
1. The employee with the emotional response
An employee who cries or huffs and puffs when told that he did something wrong isn’t just an unfortunate stereotype, it really happens. I know I’ve experienced being so invested in a project — an attribute which is usually laudable — that I couldn’t help but let out a few tears when told my work wasn’t up to par.
Your first step is to assess whether this response is routine or out of the ordinary. If an employee who usually takes feedback in stride looks a bit teary, odds are there is something else going on. The best thing to do here — if at all possible — is to table the discussion for another time. A simple, “It seems like you’re having a tough day, how about we check in tomorrow?” gives your employee the breathing room she needs. It also opens the door for her to share what is going on if she’d like.

If an employee regularly loses control of his emotions, then you need to address his inability to hear criticism as you would any other area for improvement. Find time to address this issue specifically: Begin by underscoring why feedback is important —emphasizing that you value him as an employee and that constructive criticism is a normal part of professional growth — then transition to what you’ve observed.

Try this: “I make suggestions because I want to provide you with everything you need to do a great job. However, I’ve noticed that when I start to bring up areas for improvement, you look visibly upset. Is that a fair assessment? I wanted to draw your attention to this issue, because I don’t want you to miss out on information specifically meant to help you excel in your role.”


Not all emotional responses are the same — the defensive reaction is in a category of its own. Whenever this employee is confronted with the suggestion that she did a less-than-stellar job, she tries to explain why her actions were infallible.
Often, the “But I did nothing wrong” approach comes from low self-awareness, so skip the Socratic method and be as direct as possible. In lieu of, “What is the best way to handle this sort of situation?” say, “I understand why you made the decision you did, but our policy is to handle the situation you encountered this way.”
Dealing with a subordinate who’s still convinced he didn’t do anything wrong? Schedule a time for him to give you critical feedback. Perhaps he thinks you single him out for criticism, or perhaps he really does have a brilliant timesaving method. Regardless, hearing him out will help with your communication standstill.


What about an employee who listens, nods, thanks you for your feedback — and then keeps making the same mistake? Some people won’t cry or get defensive, but they don’t know how to act on what you’re saying, because you’re not really getting through to them.
To remedy this, make sure you’re giving crystal clear feedback that includes examples and action steps. Instead of leaving it at, “It might be helpful for you to be friendlier,” try: “When we met with Bill last week you said, ‘Hello’ and then immediately dove right into your pitch. But taking a couple of minutes to visit — on anything from the weather to local sports — is often a better way to help you build rapport and ease the client into the meeting. Can you give that a try in today’s meeting?”
Taking feedback in stride is an important professional skill, and one you want all of your employees to possess. If someone struggles with criticism, help him or her as you would with any other skill, and temper your approach using the strategies above. Your hard work will help your employees work better now (and manage better someday).

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stop interview Stressing!

Job Search Stress - Things Not to Worry About - The Muse4 Things Job Seekers Overly Stress About—But Shouldn't

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What to Ask at an Interview!

"Do You Have Any Questions For Me?...."
What reply does the interviewer expect when he asks, "Do you have any questions for us?" I am a penultimate-year student and will be appearing for my interviews very soon. How should one tackle such questions?
Answer by Ambra Benjamin, engineering recruiter at Facebook, previously LivingSocial, Google and Expedia.
I think it's important to note both now and throughout your entire career that when you interview for a job, you are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you. Having well thought-out questions to ask during your interview is part of the research process, and helps increase your understanding of if this company and role is a good fit for you. I can think of a few times in my career that I completed my interview with a company and thought, "This is not going to be a good fit," and completely withdrew my name.
I presume that in preparation for your interview you will do a lot of research on the industry, the position, the company, and if you're able, even the person with whom you are meeting. While some people are able to think on their feet and come up with questions during the interview itself, it's highly advisable that you come with two or three pre-prepared questions for your interviewer. This shows diligence, preparation and seriousness.
Only you know what you want out of a job, but here are a few questions I'd suggest you ask a potential employer.
  • "What does success in this role look like to you?" or, "How will success in this role be measured?"
  • "Why did you join this company, and what keeps you here?"
  • "What's your favorite and least favorite thing about working here?"
  • "What are the biggest challenges for the person who takes on this role?"
  • "What are this company's top three priorities over the next year?
Answer below by Corrie Hausman, HR specialist and recruiter.
Ask questions that show you have really thought about the job/company. These could be questions about the duties, the best parts of the job/company/culture, the funding stream, the direction in which the business is headed, etc.  
These types of questions are great because they allow you to demonstrate in an informal and natural way that you've researched the company in advance.

  • Ask questions that show that you've been attentively listening and processing what the interviewer has said.
  • Ask the interviewer how long he or she has been at the company, and what he or she likes best. This is flattering to the interviewer, and — even more importantly — you may learn things about the company culture that you'd never hear otherwise.
  • Ask what the next steps are (if you haven't already been told, of course). Ask when you will hear from the company again. Ask who will be contacting you, and if it will be by email or phone. Ask when the next round of interviews will be, and who will be conducting them. You have every right to want to know these details, and interviewers sometimes forget to tell you.
  • Finally, don't ask about information that you should already know from the job listing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What Do Recruiters See at a First Glance??

First Glance at a Resume

When recruiters look through a stack of resumes for candidate screening, what is the vital information they focus upon?
(Answer by Ambra Benjamin, engineering recruiter at Facebook, previously LivingSocial, Google and Expedia.)
I think this varies from recruiter to recruiter and also depends on the role for which you're applying. For one, I don't look through stacks of resumes anymore. I hate paper. I do everything online. But I'll highlight briefly how I personally absorb a resume.
I should preface this by saying that I primarily recruit for senior-level individuals. In my past life, I was a campus recruiter and you read resumes of new grads a bit differently, since experience is less of a factor.

How I read a mid- to senior-level resume

  • Most recent role: I'm generally trying to figure out what this person's current status is, and why they might even be interested in a new role. Are they laid off? Did they get fired? Have they only been in their role for a few months? Is their most recent experience relevant to the position for which I'm hiring?
  • Company recognition: Not even gonna lie. I am a company snob. It's not even that I think certain companies are better than others (although some are). It's purely a matter of how quickly can I assign a frame of reference. This is often more difficult to do when a candidate has only worked for obscure companies I've never heard of. When I can't assign company recognition, it just means I have to read the resume a little deeper, which usually isn't an issue, unless it's poorly formatted and wrought with spelling errors in which case, you've lost my interest.
  • Overall experienceIs there a career progression? Do they have increasing levels of responsibility? Do the titles make sense? Do the responsibilities listed therein match what I'm looking for?
  • Keyword search: Do they have the specific experience for the role for which I'm hiring? I Command + F the crap out of resumes. On any given day, I'm searching for things like Ruby on Rails, Mule, Business Intelligence, MBA, Consulting, POS, Cisco, Javascript, and — seriously — anything you can think of.
  • Gaps: I don't mind gaps, so long as there's a sufficient explanation. Oh you took three years off to raise your children? Fine by me, and might I add, I bow down. You tried your hand at starting your own company and failed miserably? Very impressive! Gap sufficiently explained. Whatever it is, just say it. It's the absence of an explanation that makes me wonder.
  • Personal web presence: This includes personal domains, Twitter handle, GitHub contributions, dribbble account or anything a candidate has chosen to list. Two out of three times, I almost always click through to a candidate's website or Twitter account. It's one of my favorite parts of recruiting. Random aside: I care less about what people say on Twitter and more about who is following you and whom you follow. There's so much insight to be gained by seeing who values your thoughts.
  • General logistics: Location, eligibility to work in the U.S.
  • Overall organization: This includes spelling, grammar, ease of use and ability to clearly present ideas.
Total time it takes me to do all of the above: Less than 30 seconds. Note: I will likely later read the resume far more in-depth, but only if I already know I like the candidate. It takes me less than a minute to fully digest a resume and flag that person for follow-up. I read a resume pretty thoroughly once I know I will be speaking to that person on the phone. But I will not thoroughly read a resume of someone who did not pass the above categories.

Things I rarely pay attention to

  • Education: In the last month alone, having viewed hundreds of resumes, I honestly don't remember looking at this section once. When I used to exclusively recruit MBAs, this was one of the first things I looked for because I was generally looking for top-tier B-schools. When I used to be a campus tech recruiter, I immediately checked for top CS schools.But outside of my old campus recruiting days, I am not often looking at the education. I think this is because at the level for which I generally hire, it's the least of what I'm looking for. Experience is king. I can think of a few exceptions when perhaps a hiring manager wanted a certain pedigree, but I find that's happening less and less. I will also add that this changes drastically by industry and company. I currently work in tech, but I've also worked in management consulting — and education is huge in consulting. I'll also add that some tech companies care more about education than others — take Google or Facebook, for example.
  • Fancy formatting: There are exceptions here. I say this with the caveat that I love a creatively formatted resume. LOVE. In fact, on Pinterest, I've started collecting beautifully presented resumes. However, it's important to keep in mind that if you're applying to a position online, whether it's a PDF or not, most companies' applicant tracking systems parse your resume for information and convert it to pure text as the most immediate viewing format.Recruiters don't often see how awesome your resume is. The original file is usually there for us, but most recruiters aren't clicking through to that. If you're going to do something fun with your resume, I recommend having a clean text resume as well, whenever possible, so it doesn't come through our system looking wonky. Also, if the formatting is important, always send in PDF. Nine times out of ten, if I genuinely like a candidate and all I have is a text resume, I'll ask them to send me the prettier version for when I present them to a hiring manager.
  • Uncomfortably personal details: There are legal reasons here. I learn to tune out certain things like marital status, family status (whether or not a person has children), reference to health or medical issues/triumphs and personal photos. Including things like this is common in CVs in other countries, but it seriously makes me uncomfortable when people include photos with their resumes. If I want to see what you look like, I'll look you up on LinkedIn.
  • Cover letters: I abhor them and rarely read them. Most of my recruiting colleagues agree, but I know there are still recruiters that do. I find that a lot of candidates don't even send them anymore. If you're going to send one, that puppy better be darn good. I'm of the mind that most companies that request cover letters only do so to weed out the people who haven't bothered to read the directions.

Things I wish more people would do

  • Bring personality into the resume: We recruiters are staring at these missives all day long. Throw a joke in there somewhere for goodness sake. Talk about how much you love Nutella (I have this in my own personal resume). If you're a rockstar, throw some cheeky self-deprecation in there (if you can do so elegantly). I think it's important to keep the work experience details as professional as possible, but trust me, there are ways to have fun with it. I love an easter egg buried in a resume, figuratively speaking.
  • Include URLs for other web presences: Enough said. And within your comfort levels, of course. I get it; I don't want professional acquaintances to see my Facebook page either.
  • List key personal projects: I ask this in almost every phone interview I do. "What kind of stuff are you working on in your free time?" I am always inspired by this. It also shows me that you have passion for your field beyond your nine-to-five (which, by the way, hardly even exist anymore).
  • Use color and lovely typography.

Things I wish people would stop doing

  • Using MS Word's resume templates: Period.
  • Writing resumes in first person: Exceptions made for people who do it cleverly.
  • Allowing their resume to be a ridiculous number of pages: Unless you are a college professor with multiple published works, you do not need an 8+ page resume. That is not impressive; that is obnoxious. Condense that bad boy s'il vous plait. Also, I do not care that you worked at Burger King in 1988. I mean, good for you, but no; not relevant.
  • Mixing up first person and third person or present tense and past tense: Pick a voice, pick a tense, and then stick with it. I suggest third person and past tense.
  • Listing an objective at the top of the resume: Dude, seriously? This isn't 1992.
  • Mailing, faxing or hand-delivering paper resumes: Immediate disqualification. Do not pass go.
  • Sending resumes addressed to the CEO end up on my desk unopened: This is a gross generalization here, and exceptions are made for smaller companies, but [generally speaking], CEOs don't read resumes — not the first pass. Also see above re: paper resumes.
  • Exaggerating titles and responsibilities: Eventually the truth comes out.
(All of the above does not apply if you're Tristan Walker or exude ridiculous amounts of awesomeness.)

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