Since we were following the rumors about the iPhone 5 for about 6 months, it only seems appropriate to assess the phone now that it is officially out and has been in the hand of consumers for over 2 weeks.
It seems that Apple has done another great job of keeping their product confidential, because almost nothing of what we heard as roomers ended up being true. There were talks of a holographic key board and other things that were simply unrealistic. Instead, here is a quick list of what iOS6 and the iPhone 5 have to offer.
1. The phone is slimmer and lighter than ever. Not only that, but the screen is now longer. This was driven by the flexibility of the thumb, says Apple. The new longer screen now perfectly complies with the anatomy of the human thumb.
2. The screen is now the "retina display." Pictures, videos and apps are now clearer than ever with the enhanced screen.
3. Panorama picture taking: this is probably the biggest shock of all to consumers. One can now move the phone from one side to the other to capture a large area of space. It seems like it will not be much long until the iPhone camera is on the same status as a digital camera.
4. Siri is now enhanced. One can now say something like, "tell me how the Phillies are doing." Siri will then pop up the standings in the NL East as well as the current score of the game if they are in the middle of one.
5. The creators of Maps finally incorporated turn by turn navigation. The only advantage Driod had over Apple is now taken away. The iPhone 5 finally has turn by turn directions available, allowing the user to have a first class navigation system right in their phone.
6. Passbook: another cool feature, Passbook allows you to keep all electronic methods of payment and check in on your phone. For example, when you walk into their airport, your pre-saved boarding pass will pop up, allowing you to check in with out searching for a piece of paper or online form.
7. Do Not Disturb is another good one. You can turn this one under settings, and you can still have the functionality of your regular iPhone, but no one will be able to call or text you, allowing you to stay focused on one important thing at a time.
8. LTE: It looks like we are now out of the 3G and 4G world. LTE is thought to be the newest technology, and it is faster than ever. Owning the iPhone, I can speak for how lightening fast this new technology is.
Some problems:
1. The iOS6 update gave problems with the Maps app. If you updated your iPhone 4 or 4S, your Maps app became completely inaccurate, sending you in all sorts of circles, messing up your trip.
2. As always, the battery life is an issue with any iPhone. Many complain that their phone is telling them to charge half way through the day.
3. Many carriers are phasing out the unlimited data feature. To buy the iPhone 5 you must now have a limited data plan, which has made many consumers unhappy.